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Acupuncture and Chinese Herbology//





3300 BCE, whose body was revealed when an Alpine glacier melted, had tattoos which perhaps indicated that a form of stimulatory treatment similar to acupuncture developed quite independently of China.Documents discovered in the Ma-Wang-Dui tomb in China, which was sealed in 198 BCE, contain no reference to acupuncture as such, but do refer to a system of meridians, albeit, very different from the model that's used today.

The first document that unequivocally described an organized system of diagnosis and treatment which is recognized as acupuncture is The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine, dating from about 100 BCE. The information is presented in the form of questions by the Emperor and replies from his minister, Chhi-Po. It is thought by some that the text is a compilation of traditions handed down over centuries, presented in Taoist philosophy, which is cited in support of particular therapeutic techniques.


Acupuncture is designed to balance the body's energy systems, tapping into its own resources for healing. Qi, or life force, flow through various meridians or energic pathways, superficially to deep within the body. The meridians have various points on the body in specific locations which have different therapeutic actions. For example, there's points on the hand which can regulate the energy of the entire upper body while relieving neck pain, sinusitis, headaches, constipation, and stress. Another point on the shin aids in digestion and increases energy.

Other common uses for Acupuncture include:


  • musculosceletal and joint pain​

  • carpal tunnel syndrome​

  • joint arthroscopy​

  • traumatic injury

  • hormone regulation (infertility, irregular periods, menopause

  • migraines

  • sinusitis, cold/flu symptoms

  • low energy

  • digestive issues (constipation, IBS)

Acupuncture is a technique that dates back more than 3,000 years in China. However, sharpened stones and bones that date from about 6000 BCE have been interpreted as instruments for acupuncture treatment. Also, the "Ice Man," who died in about 


Electrical Stimulation is done to encourage muscle contraction for muscle atrophy, promotes blood and lymph circulation to reduce inflammation, breaks up scar tissue adhesions, and reduces pain. 

Physical Therapists and Chiropractors will use E-Stim with pads on the ends of the leads. With acupuncture, the leads are attached to the acupuncture needles. 

Notice the small area surrounding the above needle. It's a red circle which is called "Sha" in Chinese Medicine. This is considered a good sign as the Qi (energy or life force) is obtained and blood circulation is stimulated.

Chinese Herbology


The study of herbs is an extensive one. One that can take a life time to perfect. There are well over 200 Chinese herbal formulas alone which are compilations of multiple Chinese herbs. Herbs come in 3 basic forms: raw, powder or capsules, and pills. The raw herbs are brewed into a tea and consumed 2-3 times per day. The more palatable form is capsules and pills albeit not as potent. 

Herbs are taken for:

  • colds/flu/bronchitis

  • pain relief

  • infections

  • tonics

  • menstrual issues

  • digestive problems such as constipation/diarrhea

  • fertility

  • lymphadema

Herbs can also be made into creams for external use such as for wound healing, eczema, dry skin, and hair growth. 

They can even be made into a mouth wash or douche for STD's or general sores.

Cupping Therapy


Cupping therapy is a form of alternative medicine in which cups are placed on the skin to create suction. Practitioners believe this mobilizes blood flow in order to promote healing. Suction is created using heat (fire) or mechanical devices (hand or electrical pumps). 

There are a few different techniques to cupping. One is stationary, where the cup is left in place, and the other is "running" cupping, where the cups are moved across the skin. The suction in the cups causes the skin and superficial muscle layer to be lightly drawn into the cup. It's much like the inverse of massage; rather than applying pressure to muscles, it uses gentle pressure to pull them upward. 


The suction and negative pressure can: 

  • loosen muscles

  • encourage blood and lymph flow

  • sedate the nervous system (an excellent treatment for high blood pressure)

  • relieve stiff and painful muscles

  • reduce anxiety and/or fatigue 

  • help migraines

  • treat rheumatism

  • reduce the appearance of cellulite


One of the earliest documentations of cupping can be found in A Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergencies, written by Taoist herbalist Ge Hong dating all the way back to 300 AD.

Step 1//
Light a cotton ball soaked in alcohol
Step 2//
Insert cotton ball into glass cup
Step 3//
Remove cotton and quickly
place cup on skin
Step 4//
With the suction created, the skin is
lifted into the cup.
Running Cupping//
Running cupping is moving the cups along the body. One can see the red streaks called "Sha," meaning Qi and Blood, lifted to the surface for increased circulation.
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